HomePregnancyWhat are the symptoms of pregnancy?

What are the symptoms of pregnancy?




Why am I so tired? Why do I feel like a grand piano just got dropped on my head, like one of those silent comedies? Was I always this picky with what I eat? Golly, am I pregnant? Is this normal for pregnancy?

All those questions, and am here to tell you that, YES or no. Pregnancy is a tricky thing.

So, ARE you pregnant? Well, here are some symptoms of early pregnancy to help you figure if you are pregnant.

Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Hyperemesis Gravidarum is the medical term for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, and the symptoms can be severely uncomfortable. Usually occurring during the first trimester of pregnancy, it’s a pretty good way to figure that, well, you might be pregnant. It differs from “normal” nausea and can be a real pain, you might vomit more than four times a day, become dehydrated, feel constantly dizzy and light-headed and you might lose ten pounds, contrary to the popular belief that pregnancy makes you gain more weight.

It is generally believed to be caused by the rapid rise in serum levels of hormones, human chorionic gonadotropin, and estrogen. Though it is not fatal, and it does not threaten the life of either you or your baby, if it’s persistent, just simply ingest some B6 vitamins, lots of water and you’ll be good.

Implantation Dip

This is a relatively small drop in your body temperature, more specifically your basal body temperature when your body is fully at rest, eg: when you’ve just woken up.

Sleep disturbances, schedule changes, hormonal changes, stress, and illness can also cause this though, you can indeed be pregnant without the dip, less than 30% experience the implantation dip. If you are to have it though, it will occur around the time of ovulation and your usual expected period -roughly 7 to 8 days.


Headaches are customarily a common health problem, most experience them at some time due to stress, depression, or anxiety. A medical review reports that 39% experience headaches during pregnancy and postpartum, so don’t worry you’re not alone if you are feeling this, and they’re not harmful.

They differ from the first and second trimester, and if they continue throughout the third trimester, it’s probably a health problem. It’s a sort of throbbing or pulsating pain, a dull ache, severe pain in one or both sides, and a sharp pain behind one or both eyes. They have regular causes, like caffeine withdrawal and such, but please consult a doctor if you have pre-existing illnesses that might heighten them such as migraines. An often-startling sign of pregnancy for most first-timers is.

Light Spotting

Early pregnancy bleeding or more known as spotting during the first trimester of pregnancy is relatively common. Fairly 20% say they experience this and it does not affect their baby in any way, they go on to have a healthy pregnancy and birth, it occurs around the time of an expected period and can be mistaken for a normal period, though it is not as heavy-(no bleeding or flow of blood), just purely spots of it.

But early pregnancy bleeding might also be a sign of a miscarriage, a threatened miscarriage, or an ectopic pregnancy (A pregnancy located outside the inner lining of the uterus). Spotting occurs because the change in hormone production renders the cervix softer and more prone to bleeding, but it might also be a sign of infections so please check yourself or see a doctor.

Food Aversions

Some may experience food cravings or a strong dislike of certain foods, and although very common they can make healthy eating during pregnancy a challenge.

They are normal during pregnancy, six out of ten experience it while pregnant, though causes not yet verified, experts suggest it might have something to do with hormonal, psychological, and social elements of the pregnant individual.

They start between week 6 to week 14, so if you have any aversions now just check back in a couple of weeks. Alcohol, coffee, tea, meat, fatty foods, spicy food, and eggs are the common food aversions.

Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone produced by the placenta and can cause food aversions by causing greater sensitivity to smell and taste, which can affect what you prefer to eat. And though some might tell you not to give in to your pregnancy cravings, please do. Just remember to continue eating healthy and substitute that nasty beef for more nuts, and you’ll be all good.


Increased Urination

Ordinarily, most people report a significant increase during their first two to three weeks of carrying, but more are likely to notice it when they’re around 10 to 13 weeks along when your uterus begins pushing on your bladder, and due to the amount of increased blood pressure in your body, your kidneys produce extra fluids to process this blood flow which then end up in your bladder. For many, this increased urge to pee will ease up after your second trimester but then returns later, as your growing baby places more pressure on your bladder toward the third trimester.

Visit the loo whenever you feel like it, do not hold it in. If you need some help practice kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, as this can help prevent leaking, both before and after birth.

A little tip is to lean forward when you pee, to make sure that your bladder is completely emptied.


As a last remark, the information provided here is NOT a substitute for medical advice given by an OBGYN. If you have health concerns, please speak with your doctor as soon as possible to get your needs taken care of.


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Linda Barbara

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